Submit File Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.NameFirstLastEmailFile Upload Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Use these file formats: pdf, png, jpg, ai, txt, rtf, ttf. 25 MB max file size. Font files are accepted. Enter detailed instructions:Example: Place the design on the front center of the box. Enter additional detailed instructions for other parts of your custom box: Add Media Visual Text Describe in detail the location, size, orientation, font, colors, of your product’s specifications. Example: Front of the box, Top Center: “Company Name”, All Caps, Black color, Bold Sans Serif font (Helvetica typeface). Front of the box, Bottom Center: Net Wt. 1 fl. oz • 30 ml, in Black color, Bold Sans Serif font (font name + color). Side of the box: centered text, cursive font, black color: (Enter your text details here).Submit