Angel Policy

Last Updated: April 7, 2024

Angel Policy

Thank you for choosing UX BOXES for your branding and packaging needs. Our Angel Policy outlines the terms and conditions for the use of our branded materials and designs by our valued customers. By purchasing and using our products, you agree to abide by the following guidelines:

Permitted Uses:

  1. Personal Use: Our branded materials, including but not limited to die lines, logos, and designs, may be used for personal, non-commercial purposes without the need for additional permission. This includes creating custom packaging for gifts, personal events, or other non-commercial projects.
  2. Limited Commercial Use: Customers may use our branded materials for small-scale commercial projects, such as creating custom packaging for small businesses, independent artisans, or limited-run products. The use of our materials for commercial purposes is subject to the restrictions outlined below.


  1. Mass Production: Our branded materials may not be used for mass production or large-scale commercial manufacturing without obtaining a separate licensing agreement from UX BOXES.
  2. Alterations: Customers may not alter, modify, or manipulate our branded materials in any way that could distort or misrepresent our original designs. This includes but is not limited to resizing, recoloring, or removing elements of the design.
  3. Distribution and Sharing: Customers may not distribute, share, or resell our branded materials in digital or physical form, whether for profit or non-profit purposes, without prior written consent from UX BOXES.
  4. Trademark and Copyright Notices: Customers are required to include appropriate trademark and copyright notices on any products or materials created using our branded designs. This includes prominently displaying our company name, logo, and copyright symbol on packaging or promotional materials.


UX BOXES reserves the right to monitor compliance with this Angel Policy and take appropriate action against any individuals or entities found to be in violation of these terms. Such actions may include but are not limited to legal recourse, termination of licensing privileges, or other remedies as deemed necessary.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about our Angel Policy or the permitted uses of our branded materials, please contact us at UX BOXES. Our customer service team is available to assist you during our business hours.

Please note that this is a general template and may need to be customized further based on the specific practices and requirements of your branding and packaging company. It’s advisable to consult with legal professionals to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

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